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New home for Russia invading Ukraine thread?

confused2 Offline
Kind'a free up the chatter thread for chatter without stepping on the updates to the situation in Ukraine (incidentally thanks to Yazata and RU for better and more up-to-date reports than anything the BBC can produce).
RainbowUnicorn Offline
(Nov 5, 2022 06:23 PM)confused2 Wrote: Kind'a free up the chatter thread for chatter without stepping on the updates to the situation in Ukraine (incidentally thanks to Yazata and RU for better and more up-to-date reports than anything the BBC can produce).

your welcome
the freedom and liberty of europe and more is at stake.
russia must be stopped and pushed back
Yazata Offline
Thanks for the compliment C2.

There have been reports for days that Russia is planning to pull their troops back across the Dnipro river in Kherson oblast. But there's been little confirmation besides ongoing efforts to evacuate civilians from Kherson city. Russian positions still seem to be holding pretty well since the rapid retreat of several weeks ago. The Russians regrouped and seem to be holding their lines.

So my own speculation was they were just clearing civilians out because Ukrainian attacks on the river bridges had made it hard to supply the west side of the river and the Russians needed all the supplies they could get across for their own soldiers, not for feeding civilians.

But new satellite photos provide evidence that the Russians are preparing fairly elaborate defensive positions on the east side of the river. There are trenches and buried concrete bunkers large enough to hold armored vehicles. There seem to be at least three successive defense lines, so that if one is breached, the Ukrainians encounter another. There are canals in this low lying area and the Russians seem to be incorporating them as water obstacles to make vehicle crossings under fire difficult.

And all that does suggest that the Russians do plan to pull back across the Dnipro and then use the river as their primary defense line.
stryder Offline
I've setup a Ukrainian Conflict sub-Subforum within General Discussion. It will still fight with whats most recent between the sub-subforum and it's parent, however it shouldn't be an issue.

I've moved the thread there but you don't have to continue posting to the one thread now, you can use the forum to split up what elements you add into their own threads where necessary.
C C Offline
(Nov 5, 2022 06:23 PM)confused2 Wrote: Kind'a free up the chatter thread for chatter without stepping on the updates to the situation in Ukraine (incidentally thanks to Yazata and RU for better and more up-to-date reports than anything the BBC can produce).

Given that China will be trying to take back Taiwan before this decade ends (and NK, Iran, etc triggering _X_) a forum (or subforum) wholly devoted to wars and combat issues in general might be the ticket (for Christmas gift daydreaming). These years are going to be big 'uns for constant flirtations with WWIII and semi-nuclear conflicts.

Or if only the "Survivalism" tagline could be tweaked for special war focus.

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