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ABC to jettison Roseanne's attraction to Trump audience next season? (TV fashions)

C C Offline
ABC says Roseanne will edge away from politics as it goes into next season

EXCERPT: While on a conference call with reporters, ABC entertainment president Channing Dungey was asked if she felt that stories about Roseanne Barr’s politics have overshadowed has how the comedy series revival is perceived as entertainment. “I do think there’s a little bit of that, yes,” she agreed.

Moreover, Dungey says the show will aim to be less political moving forward into next season. “The show certainly did touch on some of that in the first episode in a very funny way, to look at the different political views between Roseanne and Jackie,” she said. “That said, having touched on it in the first episode of the season, I think when you look on subsequent episodes of the run, the focus is not really on politics and much more on family and the everyday trials and tribulations that the family faces that still bring them together.”

And when Roseanne returns for its next season the fall? “I think they’ll continue on the path they’re on toward the latter part of this season, which is away from politics and more focused on family,” she said.


Here's What Writers On The Original "Roseanne" Think Of The Trump-Loving Revival

EXCERPT: Writers who worked on the original Roseanne series say they’re struggling to reconcile the brash and bold character they spent years writing for with the new conservative, Trump-loving iteration. “A lot of people involved in the show were surprised when she turned right-wing and supported Trump because that was just not the person or her character that we had known,” said TV writer Stan Zimmerman, who worked on Roseanne for two seasons.

Across nine seasons between 1988 and 1997, these writers worked to put words in the mouth of actor Roseanne Barr, supplying her with both zingers and warmth through their deep understanding of the titular character. But four writers who spoke to BuzzFeed News said the 2018 version of the character Roseanne Conner — an avowed Trump supporter who fought with her pussyhat–wearing sister and is prejudiced against her Muslim neighbors — is unrecognizable to them.

“I don’t recognize that character,” said one writer, who asked to remain anonymous because they still work in the industry and feared professional repercussions. “I believe the original character would’ve said, ‘Who cares [about having Muslim neighbors]?’ And now she’s saying she does care.”

“I don’t think that Roseanne Conner would’ve voted for Donald Trump,” said Miriam Trogdon, who worked on the show for two seasons. “I don’t think that she would’ve, but apparently she did.”

Syne Offline
"Trump-loving" isn't a synonym for conservative. I've seen nothing to make me think the new show is any more conservative than the original.
Magical Realist Offline
I don't watch that show. I never watched the original show. I think Rosanne is a disgusting person.
C C Offline
(May 15, 2018 11:35 PM)Magical Realist Wrote: I don't watch that show. I never watched the original show.

Same here. Apart from maybe a handful of episodes belonging to the old show, that I watched fragments of in the course of changing channels or nothing else being on. And that was intermittent syndications of it over the years, not during the first run of the series.

Quote:I think Rosanne is a disgusting person.

I really don't (didn't) even know the most basic things about her (the actor), like her being born Jewish. No wonder she voted for "pro-Israel and move the US embassy to Jerusalem" Trump, despite a personal political history more on the southpaw side. I vaguely recalled one biographical item from the past which at least turned out to be the case: That she had lived in the land of Mormons early on.


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