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Women more attracted to unsmiling men

Magical Realist Offline

"A note to single dudes: If you're looking to pick up a woman at a bar, whatever you do -- don't smile at her.

Women are actually less sexually attracted to smiley, happy men, suggests a new University of British Columbia study, published online today in the journal Emotion. If that's surprising to you -- it was surprising to lead researcher Jessica Tracy, too. "I wouldn’t have believed it if we didn’t go out and replicate it three times," says Tracy, an assistant psychology professor at UBC.

Researchers asked more than 1,000 volunteers to rate the sexual attractiveness of hundreds of images of the opposite sex. (All were heterosexual, ages 17 to 49 years, with a median age of 21. Fifty-two percent of participants were Asian, and 48 percent were Caucasian.) In the images, the men and women pictured were demonstrating one of three emotions: happiness, pride or shame -- plus a "neutral" image thrown in there, too. They found that women ranked the smiling guys as less attractive -- but they were into the prideful and ashamed men. But the male participants were most attracted to the smiling women, and least attracted to the ones who seemed proud.

More research is needed to determine why this might be, but Tracy has a few hunches. Past research has shown that smiling increases perception of femininity, so that might be one reason smiles worked on women, but not on men. Also, "smiling indicates availability, or interest. For men, that's a really important thing to know about a woman, so it makes sense that men would find smiling really attractive," Tracy says. "For women, that's not as important. There's the general assumption that men are more generally receptive."

But the fact that women find shame more attractive may also help explain the attractiveness of the "bad boy" -- the one who seems like he can be turned around. "The bad boy who feels shame, women have always found that attractive -- that’s the James Dean look. He’s the bad boy, but he wants to change," Tracy says.

One thing to keep in mind: The study measured just sexual attractiveness, not whether women are interested in carrying on a relationship with a sullen, unsmiling dude. But Tracy adds, "If a (man's) sole aim is to be as sexually attractive as possible, smiling may not be his best bet."
C C Offline
Quote:But the fact that women find shame more attractive may also help explain the attractiveness of the "bad boy" -- the one who seems like he can be turned around. "The bad boy who feels shame, women have always found that attractive -- that’s the James Dean look. He’s the bad boy, but he wants to change," Tracy says.

Bingo. That young, naive, salvation role impulse to be "that girl" who turned the supposedly redeemable "bad boy" around to a better path. Which even some aged socialites are still afflicted with after years of repeating the same idiocy (albeit they have the resources to continually weather the consequences).
Yazata Offline
From the point of view of a guy who has spent plenty of time in bars observing the dynamic, my opinion is that women are attracted by what they perceive as strength. Anybody who has spent time in bars knows that the bad-ass guys typically have women hanging off of them, while the nice guys are sitting alone.

I don't know that smiling is an indicator of feminity so much as it's an indicator of sociability, of not wanting to appear threatening and wanting to fit into a social group. And that doesn't really convey strength. The bad-boy is more of a free-agent who doesn't give a damn what other people think.

I suspect that's why some women are abused repeatedly. They are attracted to guys who don't hesitate to use their fists when other guys give them shit. Then the girlfriend acts surprised when the guy uses his fists on her when she gives him shit. It's what he does, she selected him for it.
Syne Offline
(Jan 16, 2024 08:42 PM)Yazata Wrote: I don't know that smiling is an indicator of feminity so much as it's an indicator of sociability, of not wanting to appear threatening and wanting to fit into a social group. And that doesn't really convey strength. The bad-boy is more of a free-agent who doesn't give a damn what other people think.

I assume it's the agreeableness/disagreeableness. Agreeableness is a more feminine trait, and being disagreeable is an honest indicator of strength, as weak people do not have the strength to back up their disagreeableness.
confused2 Offline
Quote:One thing to keep in mind: The study measured just sexual attractiveness, not whether women are interested in carrying on a relationship with a sullen, unsmiling dude.
Assuming the number of males and females is about equal .. the men who are having the most sexual partners are most likely having sex with the women who are having the most sexual partners. A survey that attempted to address how the average slob might best attract a sheila worth her weight in gold would probably not come to the same conclusion.

Edit - That isn't intended to suggest that women who have many partners may not also be very nice people - just that #sex partners and #life is so much fun and people are so wonderful - may not be looking at the same yardstick.

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