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Is this really all there is?

confused2 Online
There is a human condition along the lines of not having enough to worry about where taxation and death take centre stage in the mind of the victim.
I'd recommend rats to introduce an element of uncertainty into life and at the same time answer the 'Is there anything out there' and 'are we alone in the Universe' questions.
Secular Sanity Offline
(Oct 16, 2022 03:44 PM)confused2 Wrote: There is a human condition along the lines of not having enough to worry about where taxation and death take centre stage in the mind of the victim.
I'd recommend rats to introduce an element of uncertainty into life and at the same time answer the 'Is there anything out there' and 'are we alone in the Universe' questions.

We’re hardwired to avoid uncertainty. Even rats prefer certainty. Information, good or bad that allows you to predict future outcomes. That’s survival 101, right there.

Either way, it’s all just a search for meaning.
Magical Realist Online
Quote:It's more of a drive to understand a mystery that I suspect is ultimately beyond the powers of any human.

It isn't a mystery withdrawn from Earth in some higher realm of the imagination. It's right here, right now if we only have the eyes to see.

That's very zen, that the mystery of it all sits right in front of us, in the seemingly ordinary and mundane things that consume our lives. I share this belief with you and try to avoid the complacency of everything just being what it is with no metaphysical implications. I'd like to think that I am a part of this profound event of Being--that the mere existing of things and myself is sufficient transcendence to amaze us. We are all part of the mystery and participate in it's being. The "this" then is itself self-transcendent and goes beyond anything we can understand or define. There is more than this because the "this" is itself infinite and infinitesimal and endlessly engaging.

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