Russian Ukraine Invasion

Yazata Offline
(Dec 5, 2022 05:19 AM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote: Orc BMP with Orcs on top runs over a mine

Some of the Orcs seem to have survived too! There's the explosion, then what looks like eight of them running away without apparent injuries. BMPs are armored personnel carriers. They aren't really effective against ATGMs like Javelins or Stugnas, but they do seem to protect their occupants against mines (and small arms).

A mine blowing up underneath must make a god-awful bang though, throw the vehicle in the air and shake its occupants around pretty good inside. I'm surprised they were able to escape as rapidly as the video shows.
RainbowUnicorn Offline

i think Ukraine should use the winter to really smash Wagner with artillery
Wagner are the key to cutting off the supply line to Crimea
but dont split the front into 2 fronts
use artillery to hit the airports and keep up the air defense because if wagner collapses russia will probably try air strikes
then once wagner is smashed drive in from the north against the russian border which will give the orcs in crimea too far to go to reinforce and attack ukraine from behind
& kherson can target any orcs trying to move north to attack ukraine from behind

the big risk is splitting the front and needing to deploy more ukrainians to defend 1 front while the other advances in the opposite direction.
this will expose the right flank to russian air attack and i dont know if ukraine has the equipment to make a 3rd front defending the eastern border to russia
so i think smash wagner where they sit
then start to push in the north to really hammer any incoming supply with lots of air defense
wagner is the weak spot
smash them and its a long way for orcs to re supply the area from either north or south or east & they likely wont be doing that when its the middle of winter & if they do it will make their troop concentration movements open targets for himars

putin is trying to use the russian orthadox church to install the war mentality into the people so they will choose to fight.

with such massively high russian casualties who ever takes over from putin will be forced to withdraw hopefully.
RainbowUnicorn Offline
See Putzler did a promo drive through on the kerch bridge(supposedly)[the video could be propaganda fake]
its obviously soo important its worth another go

i hope ukraine can hit it again with something even bigger than before
RainbowUnicorn Offline

is russia re-supplying via the P-66 ?
maybe Ukraine should destroy the road with artillery, if ukraine can hit the P-66 highway in 2 close positions they can force a bottle neck of russians vehicles to make them easy targets for artillery. slow them down to make them easy targets

if Ukraine can concentrate some fire in 2 positions only 200 to 300 meters away from each other it will force all vehicles to either drive off road around it or drive slowly over it making them easier targets for waiting Ukrainian artillery
im guessing russia will try and re supply its front lines before the worst of winter strikes in a week or 2

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