Russian Ukraine Invasion

Zinjanthropos Offline
How selfish, Russian soldiers thinking of own welfare over their country’s. Rolleyes What a predicament for these guys.

Feeling an urgency to be paid may be a result of soldiers thinking of their chances on the battlefield and the inevitable fate of their families at home. Makes you wonder if Russian authorities figure not much sense in paying dead men walking.
C C Offline
(Nov 25, 2022 11:28 PM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote: update

"The big fighting will go on for Mariupol -- it's gonna be very, very soon. It's the key city to catch supply lines from Crimea, and if we take this city, and if we cut Crimean Bridge, obviously Russians should withdraw their forces even from Crimea. Because it will be the big encirclement of their group there. Yes, still they have some ships to provide supplies, but we can easily target those with harpoon rockets. And I do expect the fighting for Mariupol very, very soon. Probably in December, and Russia is getting prepared for it."

I didn't expect the Ukrainians to keep advancing once they reached Kherson, and cold weather set in (i.e., there was all that advice from the US and UK in weeks prior to get _X_ done, and then chill things until winter was over). Apparently the temptation is too great to do the above while the iron is hot, plus the official start of the season actually still being less than four weeks away.
Yazata Offline
I haven't posted much about the Ukraine war in the last few days, because there haven't been any big movements on the map. But that doesn't mean that fighting has stopped. It's just become more unpleasant.

The Russians call the Spring and Fall the rasputitsa, a period when it gets cold and everything turns to mud. It's what stopped Hitlers Wehrmacht, and it's happening now.

So rapid movement across country becomes impossible, fighting continues with huge loss of life to capture fractions of a kilometer, and the Ukraine war starts to look like World War I...

(Ukraine Defense Ministry photos of Ukrainian defensive positions just east of Bakhmut, which is turning into the Ukrainian Verdun.)

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[Image: FigAVITXEAIEnOx?format=jpg&name=large]

[Image: FigAVIVWIAEpKDy?format=jpg&name=large]
[Image: FigAVIVWIAEpKDy?format=jpg&name=large]

RainbowUnicorn Offline
small gain to wagner who i expect is putting thier prisoner recruits into the front lines.
hopefully ukraine can hit the rear lines of wagner to get some of their commanders & experienced highly paid Orcs

maybe better to let the fresh meat gain ground to come into artillery range than risk ukraine lifes

UPDATE from Denys

(Nov 26, 2022 08:55 PM)Yazata Wrote: I haven't posted much about the Ukraine war in the last few days, because there haven't been any big movements on the map. But that doesn't mean that fighting has stopped. It's just become more unpleasant.

The Russians call the Spring and Fall the rasputitsa, a period when it gets cold and everything turns to mud. It's what stopped Hitlers Wehrmacht, and it's happening now.

So rapid movement across country becomes impossible, fighting continues with huge loss of life to capture fractions of a kilometer, and the Ukraine war starts to look like World War I...

(Ukraine Defense Ministry photos of Ukrainian defensive positions just east of Bakhmut, which is turning into the Ukrainian Verdun.)

drones will come into their own when it all freezers over
i guess russia will increase its missile attacks on the civilians of Ukraine
Orcs will probably be in groups trying not to freeze to death making them better targets for drone attacks

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