Russian Ukraine Invasion

Kornee Offline
(Jul 31, 2022 10:11 AM)stryder Wrote: To be honest the images don't look the same as blocks of flats literally flattened by artillery.  You wouldn't have hanging segments of roofing if the building had been hit by a rocket/bomb, in fact I'd be surprised if any of the walls would of still been standing.

It's suggested that "75 wounded prisoners" exist, therefore thats potentially up to 75 accounts of what happened (on top of external observers and guards) 

Social media has been filled with footage of rockets being fired, explosions hitting etc. So where are the ones for the prison or the area around the prison? 

Did a riot occur while they attempted a breakout (It is the prerogative of prisoners of war to attempt to escape where possible and if failing that at least keep as many of the enemy preoccupied with whatever actions they can occupy them with).  I can't imagine Russians of the fake country that it happened in would humanely stop prisoners rebelling against execution sentences, they would of more likely thrown in posionous gas grenades or shot them and then burnt the location to cover it up.

There are many avenues to use to investigate what the actual truth is.
Indeed. Atrocity/duplicity claims all round. A quick search, and take your pick of which two lead articles to latch on to:
Yazata Offline
(Jul 31, 2022 11:51 AM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote: i think the Russians deliberately set the jail on fire & then left them in there while the fire took hold.

Maxar has released before and after satellite photos of where the prisoners were housed. The photos look suspicious to me, since only the building where prisoners were housed is destroyed, while none of the adjoining buildings look damaged


[Image: FY-uAkNXgAEv2PF?format=jpg&name=large]
[Image: FY-uAkNXgAEv2PF?format=jpg&name=large]


[Image: FY-uEI3WYAAAWHq?format=jpg&name=large]
[Image: FY-uEI3WYAAAWHq?format=jpg&name=large]

The Red Cross says that Russia has denied them access to POWs in the Olenivka penal facility, which is a violation of the Geneva Conventions.
C C Offline
Probably is just Guillain-Barré syndrome -- as he himself asserts, but the one who "got away" is acquiring focus as a potential long-distance bite victim of Vlad's. 
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Putin’s top official rushed to hospital in ‘suspected poisoning’ months after fleeing Russia in protest over Ukraine war

EXCERPTS: Anatoly Chubais was put into intensive care after complaining about numbness in his arms and legs. [...] At least five Russian oligarchs close to Putin have been murdered as the president purged his inner circle of former wealthy allies. [...] Chubais quit as Putin’s special envoy to international organisations in March - and left Russia to live in exile in protest about the war, say media reports... (MORE - missing details)

Subtext pertaining to below: "I'm not really privy to anything, but The Times is paying me for this interview, so I need to say something headline-worthy, even though it's not very novel. (But I certainly don't need the money, either, so I guess it's just part of my monthly bid to stay in the public eye.)"
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Putin Wants to 'Destroy' Ukraine, War to Last 'Long Time': Exiled Oligarch

INTRO: Exiled Russian oligarch Leonid Nevzlin said in an interview published on Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn't want to annex Ukraine, but to "destroy it" instead.

Nevzlin's comments came in an interview with The Times of Israel, in which the former vice president of the oil company, Yukos, which was broken up by the Russian government in the early 2000s, said that, at first, Putin "was aiming for the renewal of the Soviet model and the annexation of Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus to Russia." But now, "everything has changed."

"Putin is trying to destroy Ukraine. We understand it from this unbearable violence and the horrific nature of this war," Nevzlin told the online newspaper. "He destroys Russian-speaking cities, he destroys human beings. This is his way to take revenge—against Ukraine and against [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky. He slaughters Ukrainians and destroys the infrastructure. Anyone involved in the restoration work will have to clear the rubble and build from scratch." (MORE - details)
RainbowUnicorn Offline
you can clearly see where the fire was fueled with something inside the prison
none of the roofing has fragmentation damage
its all cooked from the inside out

what accelerant did they use and how did they start the fire ?

why did they not have any fire fighting equipment and why did they leave the prisoners inside to burn to death when they could have let them out to survive

who were the officers in charge ?
who is the regional installed leader who is also to blame ?
Yazata Offline
(Aug 1, 2022 02:20 AM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote: you can clearly see where the fire was fueled with something inside the prison
none of the roofing has fragmentation damage
its all cooked from the inside out

And if it was bombing or shelling that supposedly did it, we would expect to see more damage elsewhere in the area.

Quote:why did they not have any fire fighting equipment and why did they leave the prisoners inside to burn to death when they could have let them out to survive

Probably because they lit the fire themselves. The fire didn't spread to adjoining buildings, so I expect that firefighters were standing by to extinguish it after it had served its purpose burning the Ukrainian prisoners to death.

I'm inclined to think that it might have been Russia's nazi-style "final solution" to getting rid of the Azov Regiment POWs from Mariupol who were supposed to be part of a prisoner exchange after they surrendered at Azovstal, but who disappeared after the Russians "filtered" the prisoners to remove anyone they labeled "nazis".

Pretty clearly a war-crime as far as I'm concerned.
Kornee Offline
(Jul 31, 2022 05:24 PM)Yazata Wrote:
(Jul 31, 2022 11:51 AM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote: i think the Russians deliberately set the jail on fire & then left them in there while the fire took hold.

Maxar has released before and after satellite photos of where the prisoners were housed. The photos look suspicious to me, since only the building where prisoners were housed is destroyed, while none of the adjoining buildings look damaged


[Image: FY-uAkNXgAEv2PF?format=jpg&name=large]
[Image: FY-uAkNXgAEv2PF?format=jpg&name=large]


[Image: FY-uEI3WYAAAWHq?format=jpg&name=large]
[Image: FY-uEI3WYAAAWHq?format=jpg&name=large]

The Red Cross says that Russia has denied them access to POWs in the Olenivka penal facility, which is a violation of the Geneva Conventions.
What is the online source direct link to those sat pics? Time stamps please. Shadow lengths are slightly different but shading markedly different. Also, it seems like what appear to be some vehicle positions that haven't changed between the pics.
Which invites the suspicion 'PhotoShopped'?
If they do pan out as legit, fine. I have no trouble believing 'separatists' with scores to settle took it out on the Azov pows. Or even that Moscow sanctioned it. That would be far from comparable to say ~ 3 million Vietnamese decimated on a false flag pretext. But I digress.
Kornee Offline
(Aug 1, 2022 07:27 PM)Yazata Wrote:
(Aug 1, 2022 09:12 AM)Kornee Wrote: What is the online source direct link to those sat pics?
Dates but no real time stamping. OK so 3 days apart - July 27 vs July 30, and taken from slightly different overhead angles. Apart from the building itself, and whitish deposits adjacent, there is just one discernible change in arrangements I can find - 1 parked vehicle in lower right corner in before pic vs 2 in after pic. I'll go with genuine pics.

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