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Article  Brazil’s mysterious tunnels made by giant sloths

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INTRO: In 2009, a farmer was driving through his corn field in the south of Brazil when he suddenly felt his tractor sink and lurch to one side, making the vehicle shudder to a halt. He jumped out and saw the wheel had sunk deep into the dry soil.

Much to the farmer's shock, the tractor had broken through what looked like top of an underground cavity. Hearing about this unusual find, researchers came to investigate and were surprised to find a tunnel nearly 2m high by almost 2m wide and about 15m long, running across the field and right under the farmer's house. Deep claw marks embedded into the walls indicated its past occupant was not human.

The farmer had stumbled upon a puzzling subject in palaeontology that is still unfolding today. He'd uncovered a megafauna paleoburrow, a prehistoric tunnel dug through rock by what Luiz Carlos Weinschutz, a geologist and one of the scientists who visited the farmer's property, concluded was the work of a giant ground sloth or giant armadillo from at least 10,000 years ago.

These giant ground sloths, described in one paper as "a hamster the size of an elephant", were far removed from today's unhurried, tree-dwelling ones. They grew up to 4m long and walked on all fours, although research suggests some could stand and move bipedally. Almost 100 different species of sloths roamed the Americas between 15 million to 10,000 years ago alongside car-sized giant armadillos that also dug long tunnels through rocks in Brazil.

I had first heard about paleoburrows when I saw a report in 2015 about the discovery of a 100m-long tunnel dug by giant sloths in the northern state of Rondônia, the first to be found in the Amazon rainforest. Yet it was during a holiday in the opposite end of Brazil a few years later that I had the chance to visit one in real life... (MORE - details)

This Was The Largest Sloth To Roam Earth ...

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