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The origin of the redneck culture from Britain (old timey days)

C C Offline
PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT (scivillage): Why rednecks had different sexual behaviors than Northerners


INTRO: "These people are creating a terrible problem in our cities. They can't or won't hold a job. They flout the law constantly, and neglect their children. They drink too much, and their moral standards would shame an alley cat. For some reason or other, they absolutely refuse to accommodate themselves to any kind of decent civilized life."

This was said in 1956 in Indianapolis. Not about Blacks or other minorities, but about poor whites from the South. Nor was Indianapolis unique in this respect. A 1951 survey in Detroit found that white Southerners living there were considered undesirable by twenty one percent of those surveyed. Compared to thirteen percent who ranked Blacks the same way.

In the late nineteen forties a Chicago employer said, "Frankly I told the guard at the plant gate to tell the hillbillies that there were no openings."

When poor whites from the South moved into Northern cities to work in war plants during the Second World War, occasionally a white southerner would find that a flat or furnished room had just been rented when the landlord heard his southern accent.

More is involved here than a mere parallel between Blacks and Southern whites.

What is involved is a common subculture that goes back for centuries which has encompassed everything from ways of talking to attitudes toward education, violence, and sex. Which originated not in the South, but in those parts of the British Isles from which white Southerners came.

That culture long ago died out where it originated in Britain, while surviving in the American South. Then it largely died out among both white and Black southerners, while still surviving today in the poorest and worst of the urban Black ghettos.

It is not uncommon for a culture to survive longer where it is transplanted and to retain characteristics lost in its place of origin...

The origin of the redneck culture from Britain
stryder Offline
At around 5:48, he mentions Happisburgh (pronouced hais-borough) and although he doesn't say happy-is-borough, he still manages to say it wrong (e.g. hayburrel :/)

I know it's my OCD, but it's like a chalkboard being scratched. (Don't even get me started on "Toe-mar-toes")
Secular Sanity Offline
(Sep 30, 2023 08:15 PM)stryder Wrote: At around 5:48, he mentions Happisburgh (pronouced hais-borough) and although he doesn't say happy-is-borough, he still manages to say it wrong  (e.g. hayburrel :/

He mentioned Haverhill at 5:48.
confused2 Offline
The vid. won't play for me (redneck detected?). From the context I'd say redneck culture is alive and well in many parts of the UK.
Mrs Thatcher (as Prime Minister) did a clever thing. After the war we built "homes for heroes" which were gradually acquired (at very low rents) by losers and wasters who continued to lose and waste at the taxpayers expense. If they wanted a new carpet they'd simply throw away the existing one and demand a new one. What Mrs Thatcher did was sell the houses to the wasters for next to nothing so suddenly they had an asset worth more money than they could scrounge in a lifetime. They started painting their houses and looking after them so they looked nicer and were worth more. Bad neighbours were no longer just a fact of life - they were devaluing the property around them - so people cared. It didn't work everywhere - some folks didn't want to lose the free carpets - but in a lot of places it did.
stryder Offline
(Oct 1, 2023 01:13 PM)Secular Sanity Wrote:
(Sep 30, 2023 08:15 PM)stryder Wrote: At around 5:48, he mentions Happisburgh (pronouced hais-borough) and although he doesn't say happy-is-borough, he still manages to say it wrong  (e.g. hayburrel :/

He mentioned Haverhill at 5:48.

" East Anglia", he could be saying Haverhill here admittedly, still I thought of Happisburgh since Quakers likely came from around there (Kings Lynn and Great Yarmouth were the main ports that people immigrated from initially, going through other ports to the US. That's why there is a lot of East Anglian place names in the first 13 states, and why some are even in used in Canada.)

I did work out a reason why the "Redneck Crackers" might of seemed unclean.... Imagine if you were the 10th child in a family, the bath is drawn and each of your siblings takes turns in the bath. Depending on if you were the youngest or the oldest, when it gets time to have a bath would define just how murky the water would be when you got in (and how much skum and soilage had accumilated). I'm pretty sure some people at the time would of wanted to skip hopping in altogether because they would of felt dirty than if they didn't have one.
stryder Offline
(Oct 1, 2023 02:02 PM)confused2 Wrote: The vid. won't play for me (redneck detected?). From the context I'd say redneck culture is alive and well in many parts of the UK.
Mrs Thatcher (as Prime Minister) did a clever thing. After the war we built "homes for heroes" which were gradually acquired (at very low rents) by losers and wasters who continued to lose and waste at the taxpayers expense. If they wanted a new carpet they'd simply throw away the existing one and demand a new one. What Mrs Thatcher did was sell the houses to the wasters for next to nothing so suddenly they had an asset worth more money than they could scrounge in a lifetime. They started painting their houses and looking after them so they looked nicer and were worth more. Bad neighbours were no longer just a fact of life - they were devaluing the property around them - so people cared. It didn't work everywhere - some folks didn't want to lose the free carpets - but in a lot of places it did.

They moved from a property system to setting up the welfare system, after all giving people money but taxing them before they get it guarantees they get the tax back. In fact if anyone does anything wrong, if a clerk decides to create a grammatic error (or just act an arse) they can stop the welfare in a heart beat and demand back tax, which in turn if they restart the welfare is then added as a debt that has to be repaid from any further claims before re-establishing the normal amount.

It's Tax turtles all the way down.
C C Offline
(Oct 1, 2023 01:13 PM)Secular Sanity Wrote:
(Sep 30, 2023 08:15 PM)stryder Wrote: At around 5:48, he mentions Happisburgh (pronouced hais-borough) and although he doesn't say happy-is-borough, he still manages to say it wrong  (e.g. hayburrel :/

He mentioned Haverhill at 5:48.

Yah, thanks for checking, SS. It's the Haverhill in the UK rather than the one in Massachusetts. Here's the applicable passage from the transcript:

The nature of this subculture among people who were called rednecks and crackers in Britain, before they ever saw America, needs to be explored before turning to the question of its current status among ghetto Blacks and how developments in the larger society have affected its evolution.

Immigration from Britain, like other migrations around the world, was not random in either its origins or its destinations.

Most of the Britons who migrated to colonial Massachusetts, for example, came from within a sixty-mile radius of the town of Haverhill in East Anglia.

The Virginia aristocracy came from different localities in southern and western England. Most of the common white people of the south (rednecks) came from the northern borderlands of England.

For centuries a no-man's land between Scotland and England, as well as from the Scottish Highlands and from Ulster county, Ireland.

All these fringe areas were turbulent if not lawless regions where none of the contending forces was able to establish full control and create a stable order whether called a Celtic fringe or north Britons. These were people from outside the cultural heartland of England as their behavior on both sides of the Atlantic showed.

For those the vid doesn't work for... With respect to where the "crackers" themselves came from, ultimately he's referring to a population group that started calling themselves the Scotch-Irish in 19th-century America, to distinguish themselves from the "recent" Irish immigrants and co-contemporary, actual Scottish citizens (of that century).

Some were "transplanted to Ireland" Ulster Scots (originally from the borderlands on the neighboring isle). The bulk came to America in an earlier era when their culture was more backward. They also included people who were ancestrally from different ethnic groups, but due to proximity had come to identify with that older borderlands culture (much as some Southern Blacks acquired their habits and customs later, across the pond, but also differentiating themselves from such either oppressive or reckless poor white trash).

In another video he explains how Northern whites and Northern Blacks got along fairly well in the beginning (i.e., they belonged to the same culture). But when Southern Blacks began migrating to the North in the 20th-century, that's when the (milder?) Yankee version of segregating communities, miscegenation concerns, etc revved-up in response to the unruly and sometimes unlawful "descended from hillbilly culture" behavior.
C C Offline
(Oct 1, 2023 04:18 PM)Secular Sanity Wrote: You're right. My bad.

I never would have bothered to elucidate it for myself if you hadn't clarified the name of the town.

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