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With monkeypox spreading globally, many experts believe the virus can’t be contained

C C Offline

INTRO: It has been a mere nine weeks since the United Kingdom announced it had detected four cases of monkeypox, a virus endemic only in West and Central Africa. In that time, the number of cases has mushroomed to nearly 13,000 in over 60 countries throughout Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, new parts of Africa, South Asia, and Australia.

The growth in cases and the geographic spread has been rapid and relentless. Now, even as global health officials race to curb spread of the virus, most experts polled by STAT said they don’t believe it will be possible to contain it.

“I think we missed that train at this point,” said Gary Kobinger, director of the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch and a member of an expert committee that advises the World Health Organization’s Emergencies Program.

The view is equally grim from clinics that diagnose sexually transmitted infections, which have been on the frontlines for monkeypox detection given that the virus is primarily spreading among men who have sex with men in the United States, U.K., and a number of other countries.

“The STI field is preparing for the long haul here,” said David C. Harvey, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors, an organization that represents sexual health clinics. “We think, unfortunately, that monkeypox may become endemic among the MSM community.”

Not everyone is categorical — or pessimistic.

Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Rosamund Lewis, the World Health Organization’s technical lead on monkeypox, expressed the belief that with a lot of effort, transmission in the population of men who have sex with men can be stopped... (MORE - details)
Kornee Offline
Food for thought?:
I dunno for sure. But it might pay to ask questions just the same. Given the newest health crisis comes so hot on the heels of Covid-19 pandemic.
Maybe Klaus Schwab and Lord Jacob Rothschild and Bill Gates and Co have the actual answers. Just sayin agin. A global climate of fear tends to invite a problem-reaction-solution scenario. IMO!
C C Offline
(Jul 27, 2022 06:50 AM)Kornee Wrote: Food for thought?:
I dunno for sure. But it might pay to ask questions just the same. Given the newest health crisis comes so hot on the heels of Covid-19 pandemic.
Maybe Klaus Schwab and Lord Jacob Rothschild and Bill Gates and Co have the actual answers. Just sayin agin. A global climate of fear tends to invite a problem-reaction-solution scenario. IMO!

Monkeypox doesn't provide authoritarian legs for the left in the direct way that coronavirus does, due to the population group monkeypox is chiefly afflicting being a political currency cow that is hands-off. IOW, it would be causally targeting one of the "compassion generators" that buttresses its own [opportunistic] altruism platform.

With respect to even the general citizenry, imposing safe-sex and curbing promiscuity by force slams into secular sacred territory, and has been a major no-no since the victory of the counterculture in the '60s and '70s. Whereas a disease like COVID enables all sorts of strong-arm opportunities for a state or regime devoted to "adult daycare". 

Sure, monkeypox isn't categorized as an STD, but that type of social interaction is obviously how the present outbreak in Europe and the Americas is primarily propagating. It's just ideologically impious to highlight that too much.

The disease is also not fatal enough -- if it was, Western governments would still have to tiptoe lightly to avoid outcries of discrimination.

Thus, a monkeypox conspiracy seems to hand-wave at a longer and more complicated con (that stretches credulity yet further) -- a scheme worth the left throwing one of its own dependent groups under the bus temporarily in terms of suffering, as a mere initial component for achieving a larger aim. One that wouldn't involve establishing "control of people's sex lives" -- since that is yet one of the left's most sacrosanct areas.

In "1984", there was an ultimate goal of "eradicating the sex instinct", but during Winston's era it was love and the family bond that IngSoc was focused on undermining. With sex still needed for reproduction of Party members.

The left of today hasn't reached that kind of stage where it heavily regulates sex. Though the accelerating implementation of sexual misconduct penalties is arguably an evolving step in that direction. There is a gradual, incremental disposal taking place of that freewheeling "if it feels good, do it" spirit of the sixties. But it's too soon for monkeypox to be a leverage for that. They aren't going to blow the magic of social justice apart at this point by deliberately sacrificing the MSM community via a plague.

2022 monkeypox outbreak: Monkeypox is most likely primarily spread through close contact, including close contact during sexual activity. It is not a sexually transmitted disease. As of 23 July, 99% of reported cases outside endemic regions in Africa were in men. In this group, 98% occurred in the community of men who have sex with men, mainly those with multiple sex partners, 75% occurred in ethnically white people, and 41% in people with HIV/AIDS. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has emphasized the importance of reducing stigma in communicating about the demographic aspects of monkeypox, specifically with regards to gay and bisexual men.
RainbowUnicorn Offline
(Jul 27, 2022 06:50 AM)Kornee Wrote: Food for thought?: problem-reaction-solution scenario

you think problems should not be given solutions ?
Kornee Offline
(Jul 27, 2022 07:51 PM)C C Wrote: 2022 monkeypox outbreak: Monkeypox is most likely primarily spread through close contact, including close contact during sexual activity. It is not a sexually transmitted disease. As of 23 July, 99% of reported cases outside endemic regions in Africa were in men. In this group, 98% occurred in the community of men who have sex with men, mainly those with multiple sex partners, 75% occurred in ethnically white people, and 41% in people with HIV/AIDS. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has emphasized the importance of reducing stigma in communicating about the demographic aspects of monkeypox, specifically with regards to gay and bisexual men.
OK so it's really a kind of mild AIDS - in effect another Gay Disease (in the West, not parts of Africa where prostitution is the norm and heterosexual transmission was rife). Which, given the 'cultural sensitivities' of MSM, has been presented as a generic threat rather than a lifestyle-choice heavily associated one. Makes sense now. Even back in 1982, I remember the 'Grim Reaper' health warning emphasis was on how AIDS was equally a threat to everyone, with reference to Gay prevalence highly suppressed. Eventually of course the true statistics leaked to the public. Tainted blood transfusions helped to muddy things.

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